walk through pop tops main image 1

Got a Pop Top Camper, got Kids, need Lots of Awning Room?

PopTop trailer campers have got plenty going for them, compact, light and easy to tow, set up in a jiffy ! Sprite, Anglo Cub, Anglo Cheetah, Playboy, Topagee 4, 6 and Brave, Nifty Nomads, Scamper Campers and more, have become prized possessions, even a bit of a cult club over the years.

Ideal for up to a couple, but when the kids come along, even with a matching awning, space can get tight, especially in some Pop Top models which are just 2 metres long or less.

The Pop Top New Zealand community have turned their attention to Intenze Walk Through Awnings which offer advantages not traditionally seen:

Advantage 1 – Impressive ! .. the Pop Top and awning are connected by a walkway adding 3 to 4 square metres of extra space, but not just normal space, a protected utility room.. hang wet-weather gear, place for pets and other gear, independent of the Pop Top and our Walk Through Awning room ! (see below)

sprite with 3m walk thru awning 4

Advantage 2 – Second Impressive, no more needing to be restricted to a certain Awning height attaching to the Pop Top (caravan, van and much more). This flap system has so far conquered anything required ! Up or down it can do it..

3m walk through awning by intenze.co .nz 6

Advantage 3 ! – .. With a Walkway facility, all people wanting to enter and leave the Pop Top (Caravan, Van, many more) don’t have to track through the awning all the time, coming and going without disturbing sleeping, relaxing people.

This family has written to show us how the Walk Through function works for them (Photo, thank you Sally):

sally walk through 1

Back to the subject of Pop Tops and extending the living space !

This family have a Weekender Pop Top with an attachment track of 2.8 metres with declining ends, and with two children they wanted to sleep the children in the Pop Top and have an awning as big as possible, for a general living space and a big bedroom for Mum and Dad. So they chose one of our 4 metre Walk Through Awnings

They started here..

intenze.co.nz, walk through coming for this weekender pop top !

And Bang !, now a great big living and bed, room right next to each other..

intenze.co.nz, walk through attached to a pop top !

This has really given them what they were seeking in added space.

intenze walk through poptops 3

And here’s a tour.. what a space !

intenze walk through poptops 4

Hot summer, no problem.. all the walls can be rolled up, or removed..

intenze walk through poptops 5
intenze walk through poptops 6

The Weekender-related photos kindly provided by the Matthew Family from Cambridge

Although in this case, the length of our Walk Through 4 metre Awning exceeds the attachment rail length by ~1.2 metres, with care and attention, this works in a sheltered camping placement like this. If the awning were attached to a short Pop Top in a very exposed position, open to strong winds, an owner would need to put in place extra poles and guy ropes with a straight horizontal track.

In summary, the internal size of the Weekender Pop Top above is ~10 sq m including both ends, which has been added to with ~12.8 sq metres of walk through and awning area, an addition of ~130% in area.

Intenze Walk Through Awnings come in two sizes of 3m and 4m long, both by 2.2m wide. Colours are Dark Grey or Olive Green, both with either 6mm or 8mm attachment rope, these options depend on stock being on hand/not sold out.

The owner (our customer) of the Car/Pop Top photo at the top of this page has this to say..

3m walk through aaron w testimonial

More testimonals from our Customers can be read here (3m first link, 4m second):
Heavy Duty Canvas 3.0M Walk Thru Awning – Dark Grey OR Olive Green
Heavy Duty Canvas 4.0M Walk Thru Awning – Dark Grey or Olive Green

More photos to come, check back soon..

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